From time to time, the IRS sends out notices regarding your tax return(s). We like to give a heads-up because communication from the IRS can feel stressful, but it doesn't have to be! This is part of a routine—albeit very slow—communication process and all you have to do is forward it along to us (breathe a sigh of relief).
Below you will find some helpful hints on what to do if you receive a notice. Rest assured, we’ve got you covered.
Here are your next steps:
- Find the notice number
- Scan and upload it to your Formations Documents Hub
- Email your dedicated Success Team and include the notice number
- Wait for our response–we’ll let you know any next steps (and verify it is valid)
Keep in mind:
- It’s mostly a formality
- It’s not as scary as it might appear
- These are routine and most are easily resolved
- You have ample time to make any corrections
- Penalties (if any) are generally very small
And remember, we're #HereToHelp.