I received an IRS notice. What should I do?

From time to time, the IRS sends out notices regarding your tax return(s). We like to give a heads-up because communication from the IRS can feel stressful, but it doesn't have to be! This is part of a routine—albeit very slow—communication process and all you have to do is forward it along to us (breathe a sigh of relief). 


Below you will find some helpful hints on what to do if you receive a notice. Rest assured, we’ve got you covered.

Here are your next steps:

  1. Find the notice number
  2. Scan and upload it to your Formations Documents Hub
  3. Email your dedicated Success Team and include the notice number
  4. Wait for our response–we’ll let you know any next steps (and verify it is valid)

Keep in mind: 

  • It’s mostly a formality
  • It’s not as scary as it might appear
  • These are routine and most are easily resolved
  • You have ample time to make any corrections
  • Penalties (if any) are generally very small

And remember, we're #HereToHelp.