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New Features Release Announcement (February 2024) 🎉

We are excited to announce some new functionality added to your Formations Account on February 2024: OIL Management, W2 Download and Subscription Management

Open Item List

Tax returns require a lot of information as well as confirmation of data and actions so the return can be prepared as accurately as possible. This year, we launched a new interaction to streamline the data collection on missing items from your return called - Open Items List (OIL). Link to your OIL can be found on our return tracker at the top of your dashboard as well as under the Taxes navigation on your sidebar.

With the Open Items List, you can complete each item individually, add notes for the team, edit or add information, and upload required documents.

View and Download Your W2

Your 2023 W2 is now available to view and download from your Payroll Summaries page. If you have more than one person on your payroll, you will be able to choose the W2 you want to view.

Subscription Management

Starting today, your subscription details will show up in your Formations account.
With the subscription management you can see your subscription details, your upcoming payment and upcoming renewal as well as manage your payment information and request changes.